Wednesday, November 23, 2011

to be thankful

The Lotus Thrives Anyway
It is that time of year that we truly focus on being thankful. Life's yearly reminder to cherish the things you have (and sometimes the things you don't).

When the lovely Sami over at The Lotus Thrives Anyway asked me to be part of this series I jumped at the chance, of course! She has quickly become my closest blog friend. Through emails and twitter I have gotten to know what a sweet, kind, caring, funny AND thankful person she is.

For this series, she has written 24 days worth of thankful posts that are not only honest and true but really give you a window into her soul  and her life experiences. You can check out the existing posts in her series here.

This post is near my heart because it is so personal. So take a minute, hop on over to her blog and check out my guest post! If you comment, make sure to leave your email addresses so I can respond to you :)



  1. Awe, you are seriously the sweetest chica! =]

    Thank you so much for doing the post!


  2. That's such a beautiful post! *^_^*
