Monday, March 11, 2013

catching up

It feels like we are almost done playing catch up. Saturday we officially got all of the old furniture donated and out of the old place. That house is being shown daily so we have high hopes that someone will rent it before the end of the month giving us some rent back. I tell ya, double rent in this area really is a wallet buster. We have all but a couple last pieces of furniture built in the new place which means boxes are being emptied and reorganized at an exceedingly faster rate each day. It feels more like a home and less like a jungle gym every day.

Sunday was spent unpacking and being lazy. James was under the weather so he slept all day and all night. I was pretty jealous being the only one awake for the majority of the day (see exhibit A above) but I got the kitchen opened up and I can't wait to start cooking meals after my Green Grocer box arrives this week. I'm sure both our stomachs will be thankful. Moves are so very hard on us with all the junk food and fast food we survive on. It's great at first but it catches up with you and I feel like a lump on a log almost constantly. I also can't wait to get back to 52 cakes this coming weekend. I have lots to catch up on so I'm brainstorming what I can make and create to get back on track. Any suggestions?

And in other news, what I'm sure you guys want to know about the most... Mr. Abe is getting bigger by the day and is looking stockier too. We think he may have been the runt of the litter but he will still be a thick little fella. It's still pretty adorable that he feels like he is on another planet when I put him down in the kitchen. With all the boxes I'm sure he has no idea that he has only seen about 15 sq ft of our 700 sq ft apartment. That will all change soon. We can already see the independence coming on strong and he wont be a baby much longer.

I hope everyone had a great weekend and enjoyed the spring-like weather here on the east coast (or the weather wherever you may be). I know we cant wait for the warm so we can start exploring the outside world with our little booger. He has no idea what life has in store for him.

Happy Monday :)


1 comment :

  1. ummm hi...are we the same person? hahaha. we are both married (well, I'm soon to be married) to a 'James', both recently moved, and now BOTH OF US HAVE PUPPIES?!

    I hear you on unpacking...and poor eating while moving. thankfully - my mom cooked us a ton of food to eat for our first week in the new place. I'm a bit jealous of your green grocer box though!!

    happy nesting in your new place! xoxo

    (ps- thankyou for your comment on my last blog post. it honestly made me feel so better to read that someone was experiencing the exact same thing that I was!)
